Millions of seniors could lose their guns, jeopardizing the ability of kids and grandchildren to inherit them
“I didn’t know the VA could take away your guns,” the young Marine said.
The harsh truth is that the Veterans Administration can do that — and they have been for years — to veterans who have committed no crimes whatsoever.
But it’s not just veterans who are on the chopping block.
Obama’s latest gun grabbing scheme could be his cruelest and most dangerous to Americans.
The Los Angeles Times reports that the Obama administration is pushing to “ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns” if they lack the mental capacity to “manage their own affairs” — a move that could affect millions of senior citizens.
Obama wants to strip gun rights from millions of seniors and vulnerable Americans who pose no threat to anyone, without due process of law.
Even the liberal Times is concerned, warning it denies guns to “numerous people who may just have a bad memory or difficulty balancing a checkbook.”
“Someone can be incapable of managing their funds but not be dangerous, violent or unsafe,” said Dr. Marc Rosen, a Yale psychiatrist who has studied how veterans with mental health problems manage their money. “They are very different determinations.” Read more
Source: Gun Owners of America
WGO works for grassroots gun owners, not politicians. While many gun lobbies fight for “reasonable gun control,” WGO sets a higher standard: We oppose all gun control — regardless of the political party — and work tirelessly to restore the Second Amendment. WGO has angered many politicians who would like people to believe that they support gun rights — even when they vote against them. Click here to join