Following the recent shooting in Florida, Trump is urging gun owners to end due process and dangerously expand the National Instant Check System or NICS. And guess what? Gun owners like Ted Nugent are listening and have become vocal proponents of the massive gun control scheme…
“Take the guns first, go through due process second,” Trump said in a meeting with GOP leaders and anti-gun activists including Dianne Feinstein, who was cheering him on from the sidelines.
As The Hill reported here, “President Trump on Wednesday voiced support for confiscating guns from certain individuals deemed to be dangerous, even if it violates due process rights.”
“I like taking the guns early … to go to court would have taken a long time,” Trump said.
Even Vice President Mike Pence tried to reign the President in, suggesting he respect due process and the Second Amendment. But Trump would have none of that:
“Or, Mike, take the firearms first, and then go to court,” Trump responded.
Now, NRA Board Member Ted Nugent is also backpedaling, and making excuses for Trump, claiming the president is somehow ‘maneuvering’ to expose the Left.
“With a republican-controlled House, Senate, and White House, Nugent’s assertion that gun owners need to be giving gun banners a “nod” is preposterous,” said Corey Graff, Executive Director of Wisconsin Gun Owners.
As some have correctly pointed out, “You don’t beat a rigged game son by playing it, you will lose every damn time, the only way to win at a rigged game is not to play.”
As one commenter pointed out:
Ted Nugent, in this video, is the epitome of the often deluded Alice In Wonderland Conservatives that refuse to see what is in front of their eyes. Trump is NOT war gaming the Left. By saying this you are enabling good Americans to remain on the sidelines in a war we are rapidly losing. Trump continues to OUTRAGEOUSLY betray this country on a daily basis. Look at his latest remark about the Chinese president, Xi Jinping. Trump says he’s great and that making himself a dictator for life is a wonderful thing! This said about a man who is one of the greatest violators of human rights on the planet. Trump then says we should consider, also, of getting rid of term limits! Everyday he degrades the Constitution. As Maya Angelou said, “When someone tells you who they are BELIEVE them….the first time!”
1. Call Sen. Ron Johnson and Rep. Paul Ryan and urge NO GUN CONTROL – and to stand strongly in opposition to Trump’s calls for trashing due process and the Second Amendment.
Call Ron Johnson at 202-224-5323 or email him here
Call Paul Ryan at 202-225-3031 or email him here
2. Call the White House and politely inform them that Trump has lost the support of gun owners. That’s all you need to say.
Call Trump at 202-456-1111 or e-mail him here
3. CRITICAL: Make a donation to Wisconsin Gun Owners (WGO) right now. Unless WGO has the resources to fight this, bipartisan gun grabs will begin soon. A donation of $10, $25, $50, $100, $500 or more is desperately needed right now. Click here to give
WGO works for grassroots gun owners, not politicians. While many gun lobbies fight for “reasonable gun control,” WGO sets a higher standard: We oppose all gun control — regardless of the political party — and work tirelessly to restore the Second Amendment. WGO has angered many politicians who would like people to believe that they support gun rights — even when they vote against them. Click here to join