As you most likely know, WGO testified in favor of AB 293 at an Assembly Committee on State Affairs Public Hearing, May 25th, 2021
WGO was the only statewide gun lobby to testify in person.
While the NRA was AWOL, WGO, pro-liberty citizens, and county-based grassroots groups saw fit
to fight the good fight. But, unfortunately, when the time comes to go to the mat, it seems The NRA is MIA …
But while legislators took my testimony to heart and started to use our talking points following the hearing, it didn’t take long before realizing that Republicans didn’t have faith that 2A Sanctuary can pass.
Have state Republicans lost their spine?
On Tuesday, June 1st, I attended a subsequent Executive Session of the Assembly Committee on State Affairs that saw AB293 passed by the committee intact and without amendments — despite efforts by the Democrats to remove certain parts by claiming they infringe the Federal government’s “Constitutional Rights.”
Yes, before you ask, they said that with a straight face.
The next step would be a public hearing in the State Senate Committee on Labor and Regulatory Reform on June 9.
However, now we find out that the committee rescheduled that hearing.
But that isn’t the thing that disturbed me so much.
What shocked me was the staff of Republican Assembly Committee Members telling me that “this bill would never pass because of Governor Evers,” so they’re not making it a priority. I was told this as I was contacting their offices to get information on the rescheduled hearing.
I was given the impression that, essentially, they are going through the motions, and it is likely we won’t get 2A Sanctuary without a Republican governor. But, of course, we have heard this song and dance before…
It is another example of politicians accustomed to bullying activists casually giving them the “how it is” speech.
This speech comes in many different forms, some of the classic excuses are:
“It’s not the right time.”
“It won’t pass.”
“You are hurting the cause”
“You don’t understand how things work around here…”
These are all just other words for “we’re placating our base while giving up the fight before it has even begun.”
Is a sell-out in the works?
I sincerely hope it is not.
So-called pro-gun legislators like to act like William Wallace from Braveheart when they’re courting your vote, but when the legislature is in session, they make every excuse in the book to cower and run. They’re waving the white flag of surrender pre-battle.
But Second Amendment Sanctuary — AB293 and SB314 — are too imperative to be put on the back-burner. So instead, we must DOUBLE DOWN on our pressure of the state senate to not only take this bill seriously but keep it moving so we can have our public hearing on the state senate side.
We understand that the Democrats want to obstruct. But, instead of Republicans working with gun lobbies and grassroots groups to devise a strategy to pressure Democrats and get this passed, they simply go through the motions. Taking the path of least resistance and just moving the Bill along, or stalling it without a fight. We cannot backdown on the Second Amendment. Our legislature must realize the very real and immediate threat the Federal government poses to ordinary law-abiding gun owners.
They aren’t just jerking me around; they’re disrespecting YOU, too.
We must be ready to take action, and do what it takes to get this legislation passed IMMEDIATELY!
Join Wisconsin Gun Owners – Wisconsin’s Only No-Compromise Gun Rights Organization
WGO works for grassroots gun owners, not politicians. While many gun lobbies fight for “reasonable gun control,” WGO sets a higher standard: We oppose all gun control — regardless of the political party — and work tirelessly to restore the Second Amendment. WGO has angered many politicians who would like people to believe that they support gun rights — even when they vote against them. Click here to join