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Wisconsin Campus Carry Petition

Online Petition for Campus Carry in Wisconsin

Signing the petition is easy: Just 3 Simple Steps to Defend Your Rights…

Step 1. Read the Petitions

Petition Supporting

Wisconsin Campus Carry “School Security”

Dear Representative:

I urge you to make campus carry legislation introduced by Rep. Jesse Kremer and other conservative leaders a priority this session. Our schools throughout Wisconsin are criminal safe zones because of misguided prohibitions against concealed carry. We must make the safety of our students and staff a priority right now and the only way is by expanding concealed carry to schools.

I am a proud member of Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. (WGO) and will be watching your actions on this issue very closely.

Step 2. If you agree with the petitions, fill out this form (it only takes a few seconds) and then hit “Submit”
A copy of the petition will be printed with your name and city, and mailed to members of the Wisconsin legislature on your behalf.

Fill out my online form.

Sign the WGO petition for Constitutional Carry & Self-Defense in Wisconsin!