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Stop The ATF Ammo Ban

Urge Wisconsin Senators to support an amendment to the DHS appropriations bill which would forbid the ATF from going forward with its lawless proposal to ban common AR-15 military surplus ammo. And to immediately work to DEFUND THE ATF.

Signing the petition is easy: Just 3 Simple Steps to Defend Your Rights…

Step 1. Read the Petition

Stop the BATFE Ban on XM855 AmmunitionTo: Wisconsin Congressional Delegation

Whereas: The ATF’s proposed ban on XM855 or SS109 ammunition, which is a 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge, does not meet the BATFE’s own definition of AP (armor piercing) ammunition; and

Whereas: The federal law only applies to handgun ammunition, not rifle cartridges: therefore cannot be banned by the same means; and

Whereas: Studies show 5.56x45mm ammunition is rarely used in crimes and this is a non-issue fabricated by an agency that apparently can’t catch real criminals; and

Whereas: The United States Constitution states Americans’ gun rights “shall not be infringed” which a ban of this nature most certainly would be; then

Therefore: As your constituent, I insist you do everything in your power to stop this ban by supporting an amendment to the DHS appropriations bill which would forbid the ATF from going forward with its lawless proposal to ban common AR-15 military surplus ammo. And to immediately work to defund the out-of-control ATF and hold this imperial president accountable.

Step 2. If you agree with the petition, fill out this form (it only takes a few seconds) and then hit “Submit”

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Sign the WGO petition for Constitutional Carry & Self-Defense in Wisconsin!