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Wisconsin Democrats Revive Push for Universal Background Checks

| May 5, 2015 | 0 Comments

Wisconsin democrats to revive expanded background check legislation.

Rep. Terese Berceau (D).

Rep. Terese Berceau (D).

Democratic lawmakers are once again introducing legislation to require universal background checks for all firearms purchases in Wisconsin.

The bill, currently being circulated for co-sponsorship, is being introduced by Rep. Terese Berceau, D-Madison, and Sen. Nikiya Harris Dodd, D-Milwaukee. It would require background checks for all firearms sales, with some exceptions carved out for gifts, bequests and inheritances within family.

Under current law, background checks are required for purchases through federally licensed dealers, but not for private transactions, online sales or purchases at gun shows.

Berceau said that’s a “vast, gaping loophole … tantamount to letting every third person skip the metal detector at the airport.”

She said the bill is intended to “end the free pass” for criminals, adding that law-abiding citizens should have no problem going through a licensed dealer and submitting to a background check.  Read more

Source: The Capital Times


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About the Author ()

Corey Graff is the executive director of Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. (WGO), a pro-gun activist, and a lifelong gun owner from Wisconsin.

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