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Introduction to WGO’s New Website

| August 9, 2010 | 2 Comments

Corey Graff, Executive Director of Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. (WGO)Welcome to the new website for Wisconsin Gun Owners (WGO) and the official WGO Blog. So, why do we have a new website, you ask? Simple. We wanted to move to a more powerful and flexible platform that would allow us to deliver our content to you more efficiently via multiple formats — articles, podcasts (coming soon) video (coming soon) and RSS feeds that can be deployed to mobile devices. This new site will allow us to do all that and more. It will also give us better integration with social media like Facebook and Twitter — and even YouTube.

Now, the compromisers just want us to go away. They want to hide state politicians under a pile of blankets so it can be business as usual in Madison. However, there’s no doing. Instead of going away, WGO continues to grow and amass more tools with which to mobilize gun owners against the never-ending march for more gun control by the left and blatant concessions by the institutional gun lobby.

What’s that you say? Why, yes, the institutional gun lobby is one of the biggest proponents out there for gun control. Fashioning the chains that bind us is big business these days, but more on that later.

Back to the site. It’s still in development, but during the coming weeks and months we encourage you to visit often and subscribe to this blog for regular updates as we build this thing out into our online headquarters for state gun rights information. Politicians will hate us, a fact we wear as a badge of honor.

People often ask me what they can do to be more effective pro-gun activists. This site offers at least two easy answers to that question — things you can do right now. One, make sure your WGO membership is active so we can keep you informed and mobilize you when issues break (and they often happen fast, so the time to join is now). Two, sign up for WGO’s FREE e-mail newsletter (the sign-up box is on the right side of the site) to ensure you learn about new threats to your firearm freedoms when they happen.

Stay tuned for more updates.

Corey Graff
Executive Director

“Wisconsin’s Only No-Compromise Gun Rights Organization”

Category: Blog, WGO Blog

About the Author ()

Corey Graff is the executive director of Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. (WGO), a pro-gun activist, and a lifelong gun owner from Wisconsin.

Comments (2)

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  1. Daniel Theiler says:

    Dear Cory, I made copies of the concealed carry petition. I have 20+ signed peptions & I would like to know when the deadline for returning them. If I don’t have to send them immediatly, I will continue to get signed petitions until I have to return them. Sincerely, Dan

  2. Jim Newman says:

    We will need a permit system attached to constitutional carry for reciprosity with other states.

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