
Nadler Declares Assault Weapons Ban Targets Commonly Used Firearms
During the House Judiciary Committee Hearings on July 20, Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) admitted that H.R. 1808 is meant to ban firearms in common use, even though this directly violates the Supreme Court’s ruling.

Federal Gun Control PACs Target Wisconsin
Former House Rep. Gabby Gifford recently stated that her PAC would spend no less than 10 million dollars on anti-gun candidates in battleground states Colorado, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Florida and Texas.

Video: Paul Ryan Admits Gun Control Laws “Good”
Paul Ryan blurts out his real views on the existing unconstitutional gun laws used to persecute American gun owners. According to Ryan, those laws are “good” and need to not only remain on the books but be more strictly enforced!

CCW: NRA Opposed to Mandatory Training?
NRA members who protested the organization’s tendency to compromise start to see the fruits of their work as a sea change sweeps NRA leadership into the no mandatory training camp on Wisconsin concealed carry. Could it really be?

Massad Ayoob: Constitutional Carry No-Cost Solution for Wisconsin
“Where will funding for the licensing bureaucracy come from? Gun owners’ civil rights activists have a brilliant answer: simply pass permitless carry. Called ‘Constitutional carry’ by some, such a law allows any law-abiding citizen with a clean criminal record to carry loaded and concealed in public.”

No Surprise: Neo-Con Feminist Sarah Palin Supports Gun Control
“There are already on the books many gun control measures, and I do support those that are on the books. I do not support taking away more freedom from the good guy,” Palin said.

Why Should Concealed Carry Burden Sheriff’s Departments?
County Sheriffs don’t want a burdensome permit process. And who can blame them?

NRA: Vermont the “Model” for Wisconsin Concealed Carry
The NRA says Vermont and Alaska will be their model for concealed carry in the upcoming session. Before you rush that donation off to Mr. Lapierre, let’s see if their actions match those words.

DISCLOSE ACT Defeated, Where Are Ye Tories Now?
In the American War for Independence, the term “Tory” was used to describe those seen as traitors to the cause of liberty.

Is Utah Next for No-Permit Carry?
Despite the institutional gun lobby’s misguided derision aimed at those of us who support Vermont-style concealed carry — that is, concealed carry without permit — and their vacuous claims that such legislation just isn’t a political possibility worth fighting for, yet another state has stepped up to the plate to defy these naysayers. SALT LAKE […]