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| September 22, 2010 | 0 Comments

NRA Cuts Deal with Democrats on DISCLOSE Act
National Association for Gun RightsMEMO: A special gun rights alert to all members of Wisconsin Gun Owners (WGO) from Dudley Brown and the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR)

The free-speech shredding DISCLOSE Act is back.

Using procedural tricks, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is planning on bringing the DISCLOSE Act up for a vote on Thursday, September 23, 2010.

I need you to call both your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121, right now! Demand that they vote against any version of the DISCLOSE Act.

In the name of “openness” Reid and arch-gun hater Chuck Schumer (D-NY) want to silence grassroots activists like you and me.

They say they want to “shine light” on our “dealings” in order to restrain our “undue” influence on politics.

In reality, they’re only interested in protecting their reelections and hiding their anti-freedom voting records.

You and I cannot let them succeed in these dirty tricks.

I’m worried.

In the past, the hard work and thousands of emails and phone calls from National Association for Gun Rights members like you stalled the anti-free speech DISCLOSE Act.

I’m afraid Harry Reid’s shady, backroom dealings may have sealed the passage of the DISCLOSE ACT.

You and I both saw what happened during the health care debate — you can be sure the same kind of underhanded, backroom deals have been going on in D.C.

With their reelections on the line, you can be certain the so-called “moderates” from both parties will be looking to cash in their vote.

I’m sure I don’t need to remind you what’s at stake.

Harry Reid to attach free speech in DISCLOSE ActThe DISCLOSE Act was written to silence YOU…

…and the National Association for Gun Rights. And groups like Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. (WGO).

The truth is this legislation was written to silence any group — from the National Association for Gun Rights to your local state group (like WGO) to your gun club — that talks about the voting records of politicians.

The DISCLOSE Act would be more rightly named the “Incumbent Protection Act.”

To make matters worse, while you and I are silenced, liberal special interests, labor unions and the National Rifle Association have gotten themselves an insidious special exemption from this outrageous bill.

You and I might expect this sort of election year payoff from labor unions and the liberal special interest groups, but not the supposedly “pro-freedom” NRA. Because of the special exemption they negotiated with President Obama’s White House and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the NRA is sitting on the sidelines.

They’re sitting out this important battle to protect our Constitutional right to expose how members of Congress vote on our gun rights, because they’ve worked out a backroom deal with Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and other anti-gun enemies.

While we’ve successfully slowed momentum behind the DISCLOSE Act, Harry Reid thinks he’s found the perfect time to bring the DISCLOSE Act up for another vote…


I’m asking you to stand with me again, we need all hands on deck to defeat the DISCLOSE Act.

Here’s what you can do to help fight the DISCLOSE Act:

  • Please contact both both your U.S. Senators: Russ Feingold at (202) 224-5323 and Heb Kohl at (202) 224-5653 and demand that they oppose the DISCLOSE Act, tell them that as a member of the National Association for Gun Rights you’re carefully watching what becomes of the DISCLOSE Act.
  • Chip in $5 or $10 to help the National Association for Gun Rights continue to keep the fight up in the Senate.

The only way to stop the DISCLOSE Act is to continue to put pressure of your Senators.

Your help has been indispensable, but our work isn’t finished.

Your continued grassroots pressure is what’s holding up the DISCLOSE Act.

Thank you for your continued dedication to preserving our rights.

For liberty,

Dudley Brown
Executive Director

P.S. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is planning on bringing the anti-free speech DISCLOSE Act up for a vote on Thursday.

FIRST, I need you to call both your U.S. Senators — Russ Feingold at (202) 224-5323 and Heb Kohl at (202) 224-5653 — and demand that they vote against any version of the DISCLOSE Act.

Your grassroots activism may be the only thing standing between us and the passage of this outrageous piece of legislation.

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Category: News & Alerts

About the Author ()

Corey Graff is the executive director of Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. (WGO), a pro-gun activist, and a lifelong gun owner from Wisconsin.

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