WGO Mails Most-Feared Candidate Survey
WGO surveys candidates for state and federal positions on Second Amendment issues. Surveys are not sent until after the July 6, 2010 candidate registration deadline.
About the Survey
No survey is tougher or more feared by closet anti-gunners than WGO’s “Candidate Survey,” which gives gun owners a true indication of politicians’ views on gun issues. The survey forces candidates to answer a plethora of hard-hitting questions — the tough questions no other gun lobby has the guts to ask — on issues ranging from concealed carry to bans on semi-automatic rifles and gun shows. The information in WGO’s Candidate Survey is highly useful to grassroots activists during the legislative cycle as an educational resource, but does not represent an endoresement of or opposition to any candidate. In fact, many politicians fail to return the survey (what anti-gun views are they hiding?) and many often vote contrary (they lie) to their indicated views on the survey.
Category: Featured, News & Alerts
I am so Proud of my PRO-Wisconsin Gun Owners answers to the WGO Questionnaire that at great expense I mailed a copy of my responses to all of my supporters.
All my kindest best wishes, I am,
Robert Gerald Lorge
Post Office Box 176
Bear Creek, Wisconsin 54922
Let me know if he decides to run for Governor.
I think it is a sham that the NRA will not recognize third party or independent candidate positions on the 2nd amendment in their voter recommendations. Lisa Becker 13th assembly rates A+ in my book! Rob Taylor,Constitution Party for US Senate A+,Ron Johnson? WHO THE HELL REALLY KNOWS FOR SURE? NRA endorses democrats?! WHAT A SHAM!!!!!