admin's Latest Posts

Gun Show this Weekend: Shawano Co. Republican Party
Held August 2 and 3, 2024, at the Shawano County, Wisconsin, Republican Party, a Wisconsin gun show for collectors and shooters!

Video: Open Carry Picnic, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Gun owners get together in Brown County to exercise the right to carry.

Video: BATFE Persecution of David Olofson
Lou Dobbs of CNN exposes the ATF’s outrageous prosecution of David Olofson.

Video: Why You Must Oppose the UN Arms Treaty
Listen to National Association for Gun Rights executive director Dudley Brown for reasons to oppose this ban.

Video: Larry Pratt at Michigan Tea Party – Part I
Larry Pratt of GOA addresses a Tea Party at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.

WGO Project Open Carry
WGO launches Project Open Carry — a three phase offense to flex the legal right to openly carry handguns in Wisconsin.

WGO Mails Most-Feared Candidate Survey
WGO surveys candidates for state and federal positions on Second Amendment issues. Surveys are not sent until after the July 6, 2010 candidate registration deadline. About the Survey No survey is tougher or more feared by closet anti-gunners than WGO’s “Candidate Survey,” which gives gun owners a true indication of politicians’ views on gun issues. […]

Wisconsin: Gunderson Still Pushing NICS Expansion
Sarah Brady and State Rep. Scott Gunderson (R-Waterford) both seem to be working toward the same goal: to expand Brady background check gun control in Wisconsin.

House Narrowly Passes Gag Order (DISCLOSE) Act
Gun Owners of America (GOA) warns of DISCLOSE Act’s advance to the U.S. Senate.

HR 5175 Delayed, Not Deceased
State gun rights groups are irate over NRA leadership’s admitted back-room deal on the anti-free speech DISCLOSE Act. See why.