WGO Fights Unholy Alliance Pushing Federal Gun Control
WGO sounds the alarm! An extremely unconstitutional federal gun control scam (VAWA) is on the horizon, and thanks to a backroom deal cut by republicans, it could pass soon UNLESS WGO members stop it.

Public Hearing For CCW Reciprocity (SB516/AB518)
Public Hearing For CCW Reciprocity (SB516/AB518) September 29 2021, 12:01PM

Good News and Bad News
According to inside sources, Republican Leadership is planning a substantial pro-2A push. This push will include at least two parts of WGO’s proposed Wisconsin Self-Defense and Firearm Freedom (WSDFF) legislative package, as we have been working on this since the end of January. However, it will possibly go under a different name.

Is the GOP Too Afraid to Fight for Our 2A Rights?
GOP refuses to do what it takes to secure 2A rights in Wisconsin.