Good News and Bad News
I have good news and bad news.
The bad news is that Rep. Michael Schraa — a supposed 2A supporter — appears to have broken his promise to introduce Constitutional Carry legislation, and WGO is in the process of finding an actual 2A supporter who is willing to walk the walk.
But, let us get into the good news …
According to inside sources, Republican Leadership is planning a substantial pro-2A push. This push will include at least two parts of WGO’s proposed Wisconsin Self-Defense and Firearm Freedom (WSDFF) legislative package, as we have been working on this since the end of January. However, it will possibly go under a different name.
The point is that this legislation, no matter how it is advertised, is necessary and will effectively make Wisconsin safer and more constitutionally sound.
Many other organizations will assuredly hop on the bandwagon as we get closer to introducing this legislative push for the Second Amendment. Still, it is funny how these same organizations failed to reach out or support our fight as we did the heavy lifting in the trenches to introduce this legislation.
It’s a fine example of what we are talking about when we say political access is a jealously guarded commodity.
Politicians are petty, let’s face it.
They will even go as far as to try and steal credit (after working against us from the inside all these months). They will try to thwart any dissent by using access as a bludgeon to achieve compliance and secure their authority over the people.
Remember that WGO did the leg work once you see these proposals come up.
WGO’s WSDFF Act Includes:
- Stand Your Ground (Rep Callahan)
- Campus Carry (Rep Callahan)
- Constitutional Carry (TBD—why are state Republicans MIA on this vital upgrade?)
Though Constitutional Carry is still up in the air, we are working hard to get this legislative proposal authored.
I want all of our members and grassroots partners to give themselves a massive pat on the back. Without the help of WGO, all three parts of this legislative package would still be a pipe dream.
Public Hearing on Reciprocity
Also, WGO has thrown its support behind AB518/SB516, a bill that would remove any barriers for states that issue carry permits without a background check. We are confident that a public hearing will be announced soon, and there is even talk of Sept 29 or 30, so be ready and start writing your testimony now.
Be sure to keep an eye out and make time to make your voice heard.
- Sign WGO’s WSDFF Act Petition
Join Wisconsin Gun Owners – Wisconsin’s Only No-Compromise Gun Rights Organization
WGO works for grassroots gun owners, not politicians. While many gun lobbies fight for “reasonable gun control,” WGO sets a higher standard: We oppose all gun control — regardless of the political party — and work tirelessly to restore the Second Amendment. WGO has angered many politicians who would like people to believe that they support gun rights — even when they vote against them. Click here
Category: Articles, News & Alerts, Uncategorized