Tag: Wisconsin CCW

Raise Your Voice, Lose Your Guns Act of 2021
Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. has brought to light some worrisome details about another anti-rights bill, only this time it was introduced and co-sponsored with the help of supposedly “pro-2A Republicans”.

WGO Launches Pro-Concealed Carry Signs Campaign
Thanks to the support of the members of Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. (WGO), pro-gun businesses can now boldly show their support for concealed carry by posting one of WGO’s new Pro-CCW signs. It’s part of the Wisconsin gun rights organization’s pro-concealed carry campaign.

Milwaukee PD Targets Concealed Carry, Demands Law Change
The head of Milwaukee’s police force — notorious anti-gunner Chief Ed Flynn — is demanding changes to Wisconsin’s new concealed weapons law, changes that will seriously infringe the rights of gun owners. This despite the fact that the new law has not caused any problems but has in fact begun to thwart crime.

DOJ: State Won’t Meet Concealed Carry Deadline
Wisconsin residents have overwhelmed the state Justice Department with so many concealed weapon permit applications agency officials say they probably won’t meet deadlines for issuing approvals this month despite pulling dozens of employees from other tasks to help.