Tag: Wisconsin 2A
Video: Why Anti-Gun Politicians Despise WGO
Wisconsin Gun Owners Inc. launches a new media program with an ad that goes straight to the heart of the problem: Lying politicians.
Public Hearing For CCW Reciprocity (SB516/AB518)
Public Hearing For CCW Reciprocity (SB516/AB518) September 29 2021, 12:01PM
Good News and Bad News
According to inside sources, Republican Leadership is planning a substantial pro-2A push. This push will include at least two parts of WGO’s proposed Wisconsin Self-Defense and Firearm Freedom (WSDFF) legislative package, as we have been working on this since the end of January. However, it will possibly go under a different name.
2A Sanctuary Heads to Governor Evers’ Desk
Last week (June 16) was the State Senate public hearing for SB314 — the Senate counterpart to AB293, which passed the Assembly earlier in the month. WGO observed at the Senate public hearing that there was far better attendance than the one in the Assembly. Even Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke was in […]