Wisconsin Gun Owners Inc. Issues Support for WI 2A Sanctuary Status
This past week the Biden Regime launched another attack on the Second Amendment, this time using executive action to sidestep Congress.
While the controlling factions in the Federal Government were busy trying to find ways to remove our rights, Representative Trieg E. Pronschinske (R-Mondovi WI) was primed to release heavy-hitting legislation to resist the coming Federal infringements of our rights.
This past week we released a member communication about WGO’s efforts since the beginning of the year. Many of our members gave feedback, and one thing came across loud and clear.
The need for 2A Sanctuary Status in Wisconsin.
That is why Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. is offering our support to a new bill proposed by Rep. Pronschinske, in the form of his newly introduced Wisconsin 2A Sanctuary Law.
The text of his proposal can be viewed here:
Biden Regime Moves to End-Run the Legislature on Gun Control
2A Sanctuary legislation could not come too soon for Wisconsin, as we see the Biden Regime move into dictator mode, issuing executive actions on gun control this week.
Biden, in addition to a Democratically controlled Congress, and newly placed anti-gunners in crucial positions at the ATF and wider DOJ, all comprise the largest threat our constitutional right to bear arms has ever faced.
Below is a list of Biden’s Gun Control Executive Actions, released by the White House on 4/8/21:
- The Justice Department to ban through rulemaking so-called “ghost guns.”
- The Justice Department, to ban through rulemaking stabilizing braces, claiming that said braces turn pistols into “short-barreled rifles” subject to the requirements of the National Firearms Act.
- The Justice Department will publish model “red-flag” gun confiscation order legislation for the states (an ex-spouse or neighbor reports you, you lose your guns – no due process)
- Biden nominates notorious anti-gun activist David Chipman to serve as Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) (imagine if Trump had nominated Wayne Lapierre of the NRA to head up a supposedly bipartisan agency).
WGO is working overtime to stop this attack.
That is why we are urging our members to tell at least 1-2 other gun owners about WGO’s No-Compromise mission to save the Second Amendment. Simply sharing this alert is an act of resistance to tyranny, and helps us to grow our numbers. More members equal more political leverage that we can use to preserve our Rights.
Email: Rep.Pronschinske@legis.wisconsin.gov
Office #: (608) 266-7015
Join Wisconsin Gun Owners – Wisconsin’s Only No-Compromise Gun Rights Organization
WGO works for grassroots gun owners, not politicians. While many gun lobbies fight for “reasonable gun control,” WGO sets a higher standard: We oppose all gun control — regardless of the political party — and work tirelessly to restore the Second Amendment. WGO has angered many politicians who would like people to believe that they support gun rights — even when they vote against them. Click here to join
Category: News & Alerts