Tag: 2A Sanctuary

WGO: The 2021-22 Legislative Session in Review
Wisconsin Gun Owners Inc. and our members have become a political and social tour de force. Together we have brought the discussion of gun rights out of the dark ages and into a renaissance of American gun rights.

WGO Calls On Pro-Gun Politicians To Take A Stand And Demand Veto Override Votes During Review Period
WGO is planning an offensive push to review and pass all pro-2A legislation that has received a gubernatorial veto during the regular session.

My Letter to Speaker Robin Vos
Wisconsin Gun Owners Inc. (WGO) sends a letter to Speaker Rep. Robin Vos concerning Wisconsin gun rights.

The ATF Is Out Of Control, And Our State Politicians Can’t Be Bothered?
Since Joe Biden took office, WGO has sounded the alarm! We urged Wisconsin legislators to pass 2A Sanctuary immediately, warning Wisconsin could ill afford to wait to pass state-level protections for gun owners.

WGO Eviscerates ATF “Force Reset Trigger” Fiasco
WGO has found that the ATF is creating felons out of thin air.
The agency has begun raiding not only the facilities of manufacturers of binary triggers but the houses of those who possess these binary or “forced reset triggers.”

WGO Fights Unholy Alliance Pushing Federal Gun Control
WGO sounds the alarm! An extremely unconstitutional federal gun control scam (VAWA) is on the horizon, and thanks to a backroom deal cut by republicans, it could pass soon UNLESS WGO members stop it.

Raise Your Voice, Lose Your Guns Act of 2021
Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. has brought to light some worrisome details about another anti-rights bill, only this time it was introduced and co-sponsored with the help of supposedly “pro-2A Republicans”.

2A Sanctuary Heads to Governor Evers’ Desk
Last week (June 16) was the State Senate public hearing for SB314 — the Senate counterpart to AB293, which passed the Assembly earlier in the month. WGO observed at the Senate public hearing that there was far better attendance than the one in the Assembly. Even Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke was in […]

Wisconsin is Running Out of Time: 2A Sanctuary NOW!
Time is running out to pass protections for Wisconsin Gun Owners! Just two short days ago, Biden’s DOJ dropped another of its promised “rules,” this one covering stabilizing braces and standardizing red flag laws for States that want to adopt them.

Redefining Terms Is An End Run Around the Legislature: More Reason Why Wisconsin Needs 2A Sanctuary
Redefining terms is an end-run around the Legislature, and this is just more reason why Wisconsin needs an immediate 2A Sanctuary bill.