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Tag: Wisconsin Constitutional Carry

((URGENT)) WGO Needs Your Help!

((URGENT)) WGO Needs Your Help!

| March 1, 2022 | 0 Comments

WGO needs your help.    Operating Wisconsin’s ONLY No-Compromise Gun Rights Advocacy Organization is becoming increasingly more expensive, as prices are skyrocketing.    The Biden administration’s extreme malfeasance has caused breaks in the supply chain. Things like paper, stamps, ink, other mailing materials and the cost of daily operations are doubling and even tripling in some cases.  […]

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Video: Why Anti-Gun Politicians Despise WGO

Video: Why Anti-Gun Politicians Despise WGO

| February 24, 2022 | 0 Comments

Wisconsin Gun Owners Inc. launches a new media program with an ad that goes straight to the heart of the problem: Lying politicians.   

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Wisconsin Senate Committee Passes Permitless Carry Bill

Wisconsin Senate Committee Passes Permitless Carry Bill

| January 17, 2022 | 0 Comments

Last week, a Wisconsin Senate committee passed a bill that would legalize permitless or “Constitutional Carry” in the state.

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WGO Renews Fight for Constitutional Carry

WGO Renews Fight for Constitutional Carry

| June 10, 2013 | 2 Comments

Wisconsin concealed carry: After a year of government permission carry, it’s time to pass Constitutional Carry in Wisconsin, says WGO.

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Milwaukee PD Targets Concealed Carry, Demands Law Change

Milwaukee PD Targets Concealed Carry, Demands Law Change

| March 13, 2012 | 13 Comments

The head of Milwaukee’s police force — notorious anti-gunner Chief Ed Flynn — is demanding changes to Wisconsin’s new concealed weapons law, changes that will seriously infringe the rights of gun owners. This despite the fact that the new law has not caused any problems but has in fact begun to thwart crime.

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Sign the WGO petition for Constitutional Carry & Self-Defense in Wisconsin!

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