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Castle Doctrine Signed Into Law

| December 7, 2011 | 4 Comments

Castle doctrine signed into law. Today Governor Scott Walker signed AB69 into law, reinforcing civil liability immunity in self-defense cases that happen in the home, vehicle or place of business.

AB69 — known as castle doctrine — provides legal protection to those who in cases involving “Use of force in response to unlawful and forcible entry into a dwelling, motor vehicle, or place
of business.”

Click here to download AB69

Similar legislation was shot down by past Governor Jim Doyle in 2005, 2007 and 2009.

The legislation, introduced by Senator Van Wanggaard, passed both the Assembly and Senate along bipartisan lines. There are 30 other states that have some form of the “Castle Doctrine” in place.

“When faced with a threatening intruder, you shouldn’t have to worry about criminal or civil liability concerns. At that point, your only concern should be your safety. There is no place where a person has more of a right to be safe than in their own home,” Wanggaard reportedly said.

The language in the bill was not as strong as it could have been, according to Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. (WGO). The state’s only no-compromise gun rights organization had lobbied to change the word “privilege” of self-defense to “right” of self-defense. WGO also did not want to limit the liability protection to the home, motor vehicle or place of business, but to “any place a person may legally be.”

The organization plans to continue pushing for a better law, though they aren’t holding their breath waiting for the institutional gun lobby to take up that torch.

In the meantime, anti-gun lawyers with the State Bar of Wisconsin — a group representing more than 600 criminal defense lawyers, prosecutors, judges, academics and other numbskulls — opposed the bill crying foul that it would enable homeowners to shoot “trick-or-treaters.”

Of course, that scare tactic didn’t work, and the act itself states that force may only be used against an intruder, “after unlawfully and forcibly entering it, the actor was present in the dwelling, motor vehicle, or place of business, and the actor knew or had reason to believe that the person had unlawfully and forcibly entered the dwelling, motor vehicle, or place of business.”

What’s one way you can help us improve this law?  Join us in this battle: Click here to join WGO

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About the Author ()

Corey Graff is the executive director of Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. (WGO), a pro-gun activist, and a lifelong gun owner from Wisconsin.

Comments (4)

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  1. in the 70’s i had three armed persons enter my home and ordered me and my wife into a room and one had a gun to my head and the other aimed his gun to my chest. as i entered the room i had a 38 stibed nose on a shelf and i killed two and got the other one down the street. this happened at 1;30 am. it was hell after that (lawers) but we are still alive,so this is a good law.
    dennis flowers

  2. Max E Rockafellow says:

    Thanks for all your efforts.

  3. Chris says:

    You got the other one down the street, that means you chased after him. The is excessive force and you should have been charged with murder! I am pro gun all the way but what you did was wrong.

  4. Justice says:

    You win some, and lose some. Good guys won one, and bad guys lost three. Sounds good to me! Nothing wrong with that. Man’s laws are what’s “wrong,” not universal justice. If someone armed breaks in your house and threatens you or your family with attempted murder, then you have the universal right to hunt them down to the ends of your society to make sure they never do it again, to ANYONE, within that society.

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