Tag: Wisconsin Gun Laws
The ATF Is Out Of Control, And Our State Politicians Can’t Be Bothered?
Since Joe Biden took office, WGO has sounded the alarm! We urged Wisconsin legislators to pass 2A Sanctuary immediately, warning Wisconsin could ill afford to wait to pass state-level protections for gun owners.
President Biden Surrendered U.S. Arms to Terrorists. He Wants to Take Yours.
President Joe Biden was willing to leave billions of dollars’ worth of high-tech weapons in the hands of the Taliban but is determined to strip law-abiding U.S. citizens of their God-given right to keep and bear arms.
WGO Releases Statement on Grassroots Activism
WGO believes knowledge is power and teaches pro-gun grassroots activists to understand and recognize the games politicians of both parties use to bully, intimidate and break citizens who are expressing their grievances with their government.
Full Gun Control Dump, Democrat Hypocrisy on Display
Newly sworn-in Democrats and gun grabbers in the U.S. Congress have introduced H.R. 121, H.R. 125, H.R. 127, H.R. 130, and H.R. 167, seeking to gut the Second Amendment from the top down, the organization says.
Wisconsin Gun Control Bills Introduced: Domestic Gun Ban, Handgun Waiting Period
Two Wisconsin gun control bills have been introduced in Madison.
Gun Control Creates Mass Shootings
Two mass shootings demonstrate that gun control policy kills more innocent people than it saves.
Video: Erich Pratt Blasts Red-Flag Gun Confiscation
Pratt hits the relevant points that Wisconsin Gun Owners (WGO) is warning pro-gun activists about as the issue is taken up in the Badger State.
WI Campus Carry: Grading Our Children’s School Security
We live in a world of uncertainty, but Wisconsin legislators could provide a lot less uncertainty regarding the safety of our young children by giving parents complete control over their security.
WI: Look Who’s Blocking Campus Carry
A bill in the Wisconsin legislature allowing concealed carry on school grounds is being blocked by state republicans who say it’s a not a priority.
WI Semi-Auto Ban Introduced
While everyone was distracted with the national circus known as the republican debates, Wisconsin democrats launched a nightmare ban on semi-automatic firearms.