Tag: Concealed Carry
Is the Wisconsin GOP’s Heart in the Fight for 2A Sanctuary?
We cannot backdown on the Second Amendment. Our legislature must realize the very real and immediate threat the Federal government poses to ordinary law-abiding gun owners.
Colorado Shooting Exploited for Gun Control
Warning: In the wake of the recent Colorado shooting, gun grabbers renew push for Clinton-era semi-auto ban.
Castle Doctrine Signed Into Law
Governor Scott Walker signed AB69 into law, reinforcing civil liability immunity in self-defense cases that happen in the home, vehicle or place of business.
Video: Appleton, Wisconsin Police Discuss New Concealed Carry Law
Capt. Rudy Nyman of the Appleton Police Department discusses the implementation of Wisconsin’s new concealed carry law and admits that government buildings throughout Appleton will suspend constitutional rights by posting no guns allowed signs.
Raw Video: Cop Threatens Concealed Carry Permit Holder with Death
When traveling in some states like Ohio you must notify a police officer if you are carrying a gun. In this online video, watch a rogue cop go ballistic and threaten to kill a concealed carry permit holder who is simply trying to comply with the outrageous commands of an out-of-control officer. WARNING: Viewer discretion advised, contains violence and vulgarity.
Wisconsin Concealed Carry: Sell-Out Exposed
Assembly Speaker Rep. Jeff Fitzgerald (R-39) has been bullying freshmen republicans into a carry-by-permit bill – what we now know is the NRA’s much-hailed Personal Protection Act – even though newly-elected tea-party candidates vowed to introduce a Constitutional Carry bill.
CCW: NRA Opposed to Mandatory Training?
NRA members who protested the organization’s tendency to compromise start to see the fruits of their work as a sea change sweeps NRA leadership into the no mandatory training camp on Wisconsin concealed carry. Could it really be?
Milwaukee: Judge Rules Concealed Carry Law Unconstitutional
In the ongoing evolution of Wisconsin gun law, a Milwaukee County judge has ruled the state’s ban on concealed weapons unconstitutional as applied to a man who had an unloaded, encased gun under his car seat three days after he had been robbed at gunpoint in the same area of the city.
WGO Leads Concealed Carry Media Blast
After being twice rebuffed, gun rights advocates are now confident that a concealed carry law will be implemented in Wisconsin. But there are some concerns over what form the law will take.
Why Should Concealed Carry Burden Sheriff’s Departments?
County Sheriffs don’t want a burdensome permit process. And who can blame them?