Tag: Wisconsin GOP

The ATF Is Out Of Control, And Our State Politicians Can’t Be Bothered?
Since Joe Biden took office, WGO has sounded the alarm! We urged Wisconsin legislators to pass 2A Sanctuary immediately, warning Wisconsin could ill afford to wait to pass state-level protections for gun owners.

Raise Your Voice, Lose Your Guns Act of 2021
Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. has brought to light some worrisome details about another anti-rights bill, only this time it was introduced and co-sponsored with the help of supposedly “pro-2A Republicans”.

WGO Releases Statement on Grassroots Activism
WGO believes knowledge is power and teaches pro-gun grassroots activists to understand and recognize the games politicians of both parties use to bully, intimidate and break citizens who are expressing their grievances with their government.

Evers Veto Is Not the End of the Line for Second Amendment Sanctuary in Wisconsin
WGO pushing for a special session of the legislature to override Ever’s veto of 2A Sanctuary in Wisconsin.

Post-Election: False Sense of Security?
GOP victories on Election Day mean we’re now safe from gun control. We can turn a blind eye and trust republicans to do the right thing when it comes to Wisconsin gun rights. Right? Not exactly.