Tag: Wisconsin Gun Laws

SOS: Wisconsin’s Gun Rights Organization Needs Help
Obama and the gun banners have launched a full scale war against gun owners. But anti-gun forces will prevail if Wisconsin’s leading pro-gun organization is allowed to go down in flames.

WI Gun Rights: Bloomberg’s State-Level Attack Plan Revealed
Bloomberg’s millionaire-funded New York-based anti-gun group — Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG)– is already operating here in Wisconsin and they plan to do the same thing to us that they’ve done to states like Connecticut and Colorado.

Update On Wisconsin Firearm Freedom Act
An urgent note from State Rep. Michael Schraa about the Wisconsin Firearm Freedom Act.

Appleton: AR-15 Open-Carriers Harrassed By Police
Residents who were upset that two men carried rifles near the downtown farmers market in early September flooded City Hall with electronic messages and called for corrective action, a review of public records showed.

WGO Renews Fight for Constitutional Carry
Wisconsin concealed carry: After a year of government permission carry, it’s time to pass Constitutional Carry in Wisconsin, says WGO.

Video: Nugent on Why Anyone ‘Needs’ an AR-15
At the 2013 SHOT Show, Ted Nugent addressed the current assault on the Second Amendment. Most notable was his response to the question, Why do you ‘NEED’ an AR-15?

Wisconsin’s First CCW Self-Defense Shooting
A Milwaukee man will not face any charges after shooting a robbery suspect at a Milwaukee grocery store, in Wisconsin’s first self-defense case after passage of concealed carry.

DOJ: State Won’t Meet Concealed Carry Deadline
Wisconsin residents have overwhelmed the state Justice Department with so many concealed weapon permit applications agency officials say they probably won’t meet deadlines for issuing approvals this month despite pulling dozens of employees from other tasks to help.

WGO Political Cartoons
Political cartoons by Wisconsin Gun Owners (WGO) – Wisconsin’s only no-compromise gun rights lobby.

Brown County Bans Concealed Guns From 3 Buildings
Brown County lawmakers voted Wednesday to ban concealed handguns in three county buildings, after workers expressed “fears.”